Hot Tropical Yoga teaches group classes monthly and private classes by request at the Himalayan Salt Cave and Factory in Mermaid Waters on the Gold Coast. Each month there is a different theme and may included yoga postures, breathing exercises, meditation, mudras, Thai Yoga Massage and sound healing.
The Salt Cave provides not only a pretty ambience but a therapeutic healing space to surround ourselves in during our specialised classes. You will float out of your session feeling relaxed and de-stressed with clearer airways, glowing skin/complexion and buffed feet from the salt granules.
Book Now via Shop Page
PRICE: Pls check event on Shop Page
TIME: 90mins 11.00am-12.30am Qld
Bookings & Prepayment essential – Michelle on 0402 717 742
Due to limited numbers, there are no refunds, holds or transfers.

The Salt Cave uses a Halo Generator to reproduce and monitor the therapeutic micro-climate of natural Salt Caves. The micro salt particles coming from the medical device is sterile, negatively ionised and saturated with a low concentration of highly dispersed, pharmaceutical grade Salt. Visitors can simply relax in the pleasant ambient atmosphere of the Salt Cave with Himalayan Salt covering the floor and walls. Relax and breathe in the regulated salt which is transported to every part of the respiratory tract; even the smallest bronchioles and alveoli which dissolves and attracts the small, positively charged impurities, which are subsequently able to be either coughed up, or which leave the body during metabolic processes via the bloodstream.
Salt Cave Therapy is safe for all ages.
Clinical Trials and many clients/patients reviews have shown that Halo therapy may help with:
- To clear mucous from the airways thus removing airflow obstruction
- To enhance the mucous clearance mechanism in both asthmatic and healthy subjects
- To maintain clear airways
- To provide anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects in the whole respiratory tract
- To reduce bronchial sensitization and improve lung function
- To help clear unwanted inhaled particles from respiratory tract
- As a drug-free treatment for asthma, bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis (CF) and sinusitis
- Stress Relief
- Promotes Athletic Endurance
Salt Therapy may also help with the following health issues:
- Bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Asthma
- Cystic fibrosis
- Hay fever
- Ear infection
- Breathlessness, chest tightness
- Pneumonia (post-acute stage)
- Smoker’s cough (including secondary smoke)
- Cough with viscous sputum discharging with difficulties
- Dry, paroxysmal cough with distant rates
- Frequent acute disorders of respiratory tract
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Dermatitis
- Pharyngitis
- Sinusitis/sinus inflammation
- Respiratory infections
- Respiratory allergies to industrial and household pollutants
- Rhinitis
- Tonsillitis
- Insomnia
‘To put it simply ‘Salt Halo Therapy is breathing in salty air much like walking along the beach when the surf is roughed up and you breathe in the salt air. The Himalayan Salt Factory’s Salt Cave contains Himalayan Crystal Mineral Salt which is over 250 million years old, pure and untouched by today’s pollutants. Salt Therapy is a common and natural treatment worldwide which started in the mines of the Himalaya’s where workers in the mines and caves were significantly much healthier than other people in the region.’
Himalayan Salt Cave & Factory